Tuesday, September 29, 2015

What is intelligence? Are computers intelligent? Why or why not?

Intelligence is the capacity for learning and reasoning and the ability to calculate.  Computers are intelligent because they can learn, can reason mistakes that you make and calculate.  They can also be use to create.

Monday, September 28, 2015

How has technology affected global politics or economics?

Technology has affected economics by adding a new market to create money from.  Technology also has affected global politics by adding new threats.  Technology also affects economy by adding a new form of graphs and messages.

Friday, September 25, 2015

How well do you follow directions?

I follow directions pretty well.  The directions have to be clear and concise though for me to understand them.  They also have to be put in the simplest format.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Talk about a time in your life where technology most helped you. It can be medically-related, socially-related, really any time that technology affected you in a positive way.

When i was lost in a grocery store and i couldn't find my mom.  I was about to leave the store and go to the car but then i remembered if she was looking for me she wouldn't find me in the car.  So i called her with my cell phone and was able to find her is about 1 minute.

Monday, September 21, 2015

How can computers be used as tools for visualizing data, modeling and design, and art?

Because you can look at pictures of dragons to inspire modules of dragons for you design.  Then you could look at the tail or claw and visualize the length of the object and gather the data and make a graph.  This is how art can be affected by being looked at on a computer screen.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Computer functions

Computer functions are extremely helpful.  They can be used to play games write blogs and create codes.
They can also be used to look up interesting facts even if they have nothing to do with your life.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Briefly describe how you would graph in your Algebra class (The x-y coordinate plane, etc.).

I would graph the x y coordinate plane in my algebra class why putting x on the side and y on the top.  Then i would put the topic of each section on the plane.  Then i would put the numbers and the words on the plane.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

On September 15, 1968 An Wang obtained a patent for a calculating apparatus, a basic component of computer technology. How do you think computers have changed since 1968

Since 1968 computers have become simpler and less complex.  Also there are instructions and videos on how to use the computer even if you don't know how. Computers also come with their own auto correct system too.

Monday, September 14, 2015

What do you think about when you hear the word data? Where can it be found? Where does it come from?

What i think about when i hear the word data i think about digimon, because in the digimons introduction sequence it shows a bunch of numbers that looked like they were the digital make up of something.  It can be found in computers, cell phones, and TV's.  Data comes from a cellular tower that is connected to your phone computer and TV.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Please provide an algorithm example in your blog.

How to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Step 1, get bread.
step 2 get peanut butter.
step 3 get jelly.
step 4 get a knife.
step 5 lay a slice of bread on a plate.
step 6 put knife in peanut better.
step 7 spread knife on bread.
step 8 wash knife.
step 9 dry knife.
step 10 put knife in jelly.
step 11 spread jelly on top of peanut butter.
step 12 put a piece of bread on top of jelly.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Why do you need to evaluate websites?

You need to evaluate websites that way you can know if their trustworthy.  which is basically whether the website will  give your computer a virus.  It is also to make sure they don't take and personal information away.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

What does having a positive work ethic mean to you?

Having a positive work ethic to me means that no matter how bad or how much work you get it wont really affect you and you can get it done and stay positive.  It also means that if you barely have any work that you will still get it done.  That way you wont wait until the last second and try to cram it.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

: Who is the person from history that you would most like to meet and talk to? Why? What would you like to ask?

The person from history i would like to meet the most is George Washington.  The reason being he was the only president to not be aligned with a party and this allowed him to not be restricted by anyone's interest besides the people.  A question I would ask him are, if he could live his life over again, would he be the president.